her secret

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I once saw a comment from a transgender lady who stated she wanted to date males but couldn't be a top or flexible. Because being a bottom is the conventional position we assign to women, I understood what she was saying.

My own experience with my partner is the polar opposite and most likely unique. As feminine as she is (and she is really feminine), she adores her penis and has only ever worn a top. Even as a one-time experiment, she has no interest in being a bottom.

Having said that, she keeps this information about herself hidden from everyone. She is pleased to be a transsexual lady, but no one should know she is a model. Even her closest homosexual and transgender confidantes are unaware of this fact about her. She claims that everyone believes she is a bottom and that she says nothing to the contrary. She is comfortable with the situation as it is.

Of course, it is her right to keep her sexual identity private, and I respect her desires, but it makes me sad. Similarly, I don't tell people that I am a bottom since no one would comprehend how a straight man could choose to be a bottom.

I suppose I could say I wish our society and culture were different and more welcoming, but I doubt that will ever happen. Even if it becomes okay for a guy to be in a relationship with a transgender woman (which it should), it's probably too much of a leap to anticipate a flip in sexual roles to ever be accepted. I believe my girlfriend is prudent to keep this area of her life private.
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I believe that occurs more frequently than you realize behind closed doors.
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In reality, she never decided to become a female. She had long hair, dressed in feminine attire, and referred to herself as a girl even when she was three or four years old. Her relatives treated her as though she were a female. So she's been a female for as long as she can remember. I don't care if I'm bi or homosexual - I adore her.
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A trans woman is straight if she is attracted to males. She is a lesbian if she is attracted to women.

When discussing transgender women, keep in mind that the majority are not interested in utilizing their penises, assuming they still have them. Trans women are women, and few women desire or need a penis. Some people get genital surgery to modify their genitals. The bulk of the remaining men would get the procedure if they could, but cannot due to financial constraints or the desire to maintain their spouses. Those that like to use their penises are in the minority.

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